Voci della città, presented by DiaLogos Soc. Coop. Sociale, Coop. Casa del Cuculo, A.P.S. Spazi Indecisi, Cooperativa di solidarietà Sociale Paolo Babini, Associazione Culturale Città di Ebla and Cooperativa Sociale CIDAS is aimed at raising awareness on the theme of inclusiveness, by adopting a non functional approach to residential areas that foresee urban exploration and observation, collection of stories and the construction of unusual tales. This project focuses on the surfacing and the enhancement of the different identities of the city, investigating the territory also with urban interactive laboratories with secondary schools.
The project is aimed at spreading empathy and solidarity, targeting in particular specific categories of people such as migrants, refugees, elders and families with a lower-middle income that are often at the centre of stereotyping and prejudices and considered as a potential source of degradation.
In particular, Voci della Città realized:
- Urban observation workshops involving schools in the preparation of laboratories focused on the theme of city’s inclusiveness and fairness;
- Co-construction of guided tours with communities gathering evidences on the ground which have been recorded and made available on the web;
- Movement workshops on the relationship between body and city aimed at the reappropriation of urban areas through the body;
- Street art action representing gender equality and the respect for environment and animals realized with citizens’ participation;
- Youtube channel collecting information on the Agenda 2030 and sustainable development.
Website: https://vocidellacitta.org/
Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG_boWmJ-jjiGVPgjioj0dA