AbitiAMO Forlì is presented by Fondazione Abitare, Cad Società Cooperativa Sociale ONLUS, Associazione Culturale Sportiva Dinamica e Associazione di Volontariato Forlì Città Aperta ODV. The project supports innovative interventions and events with the participation of citizens, with reference to SDG 11. The project focuses on raising citinzen’s awareness on the value of collaboration networks, identity and sociability. The neighborhood “Resistenza” in Forlì is one of the areas where shared activities with the inhabitants are organized and where the first digital catalog of the neighborhood was created with the goal to develop a sense of belonging and community.
The neighborhood “Resistenza”, one of the most central and complex city’s areas, is the set of this venture. The project mapped public and evocative spaces of the neighborhood (also taking into consideration those spaces less popular but with a strong aggregation potential) and engaged citizens capable of supporting the network in the organization of a local participation project.
In particular, AbitiAMO Forlì realized:
- Neighborhood dinners in small groups aimed at establishing new trustful relationships and at identifying a theme that could represent a “gym” of residents participation;
- Meetings aimed at knowing, listening and involving different stakeholders of the neighborhood;
- The creation of a Facebook and Instagram page as amplifiers of every proposed action;
- An online digital catalog that is the “gym” project consisting of digitalization of about 12 stories among the most iconic of the territory with visual and audio memories, collected among and with residents aimed at stimulating common reminiscence. All the performed work paves the way for the creation of an ever-changing neighborhood archive with the continuous residents’ support;
- A treasure hunt, through the neighborhood streets, aimed at re-discovering places and memories of the residents and celebrating the end of the project.
Website: www.abitiamoforli.org
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/AbitiamoForli