The “Unione dei Comuni modenesi Area Nord”, through "La Raganella" Education Center for Sustainability has defined an operational line to bring to eight municipalities in the area (Mirandola, Cavezzo, San Possidonio, Concordia, San Prospero, Medolla, San Felice and Camposanto) some of the Goals defined in the 2030 Agenda.
For years the Unione Comuni Modenesi Area Nord - "La Raganella" Education Center for Sustainability worked both in schools with educational projects on sustainability and with citizens within ecological events and initiatives that fully materialize the 2030 Agenda GOALS.
With this project called "2030 YES WE GO" the Municipalities of Modena North Area - Center for Education for Sustainability "La Raganella" intends to contextualize the great work done (and the future that awaits it) inside a universal container of goals, which is the 2030 Agenda, and to spread this container in the territory. Interpretation of the chosen title "2030 YES WE GO": in simple words: "we go on towards 2030 continuing to chase the 17 UN GOALS”.
The proposal for this call focuses in particular on the SDG n. 11 in relation to the significant expertise gained over the years by the CEAS "La Raganella" in this sector.