Even though females (women and girls) represent more than half of the world’s population, they do not enjoy everywhere the same rights and freedom as males. In some regions and countries around the world, women and girls are denied access to education (sometimes even to primary education) and professional capacity building, they do not benefit of the same employment opportunities as males. For similar positions, females are often paid less than men for the same kind of work; they are discriminated with respect to their access to managerial positions in private or public sectors, they are not allowed to get involved in politics and cannot be elected in public positions. Under these circumstances, humanity cannot value its entire potential if females do not enjoy the same rights and freedoms as males, as has been stipulated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Through the implementation of SDG 5 from the 2030 Agenda, it is desired to end all forms of discrimination (economic, social, political, cultural) and violence against all women and girls everywhere, to lower gender-based social and economic disparities, to strengthen institutions and promote active policies for preventing and combating violence against women and girls, to elaborate measures having in mind the specificity of each region, country or community in order to facilitate access to education, social and professional affirmation, lowering differences in payment between males and females for the same type of work.
In Italy
Regarding SDG 5 in Italy there are improvements, especially in measures against gender-based violence, but female participation in economic and political decision-making positions remains low, much lower than the EU average.
In 2018, the Italian legislation on gender equality has made substantial progress, focusing on aid and assistance to women victims of violence, gender-medicine, work-family balance measures and paternity leave. According to ASviS data, however, it is on the implementation level that the most serious delays and shortcomings are observed. More efforts are needed to overcome gender stereotypes, improve sexual health and ensure full respect for reproductive rights.
Moreover, even if the protections from violence against women have increased, it is necessary to strengthen the anti-violence centres and the shelter houses and introduce sexist crimes in the Law on hate crimes and discrimination.
Find out more about SDG 5