The project started on April 2019 from a precise proposal from the Teen City Council, which is democratically and equally elected and composed by the same number of boys and girls. It will be a process that combines the study and the use of filmmaking with the Sustainable Development Objectives of Agenda 2030, in particular the issues related to the fight against climate change with a focus on separate collection of waste.
The idea is based on the creation of a peer to peer informative campaign, which has been created from teenagers for teenagers in a participatory approach and it will be structured through lessons and the realization of an advertising campaign followed by a container installation in the centre downtown to give a data feedback.
During the first lessons, the project proposal will be discussed together with the students of the Teen City Council. The group will deal with the basic elements of a creative project then followed by a deep analysis of the environmental themes linked to the separate collection of waste. The resulting advertising campaign will be started by kids’ passions and interests.
On the other hand the claim or slogan choice will be made by analysing, observing and studying famous and iconic film posters. At the end of this process a graphic proposal and a poster will come out. At the end of the third group of lessons two main aspects will be highlighted: how to transform and idea into images and how make it as effective as possible.
The third and last group of lessons will end with the advertising campaign idea turning into spots and a poster created with a professional graphic designer. The poster will also promote the final event which will involve the citizens.
In addition to the advertising outputs a container will be placed downtown Spilamberto in the main Place and during the last month of activities a lot of different events will take place there: conferences, film shows, etc. In the same location the output realized by the
youngsters will be presented directly from the kids.