This objective aims to encourage and develop open, peaceful and inclusive societies, facilitating access to justice for all citizens. At the same time, public institutions must be efficient and oriented towards solving issues and needs of citizens. It is necessary to have the commitment of all international actors and governments in order to prevent and combat all forms of violence, terrorism, human trafficking, drug and weapons trafficking, children exploitation through labour, the elimination of all types of torture, combating unpaid long hours or forced labour. The objective “Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions” also includes efficient measures to strengthen the lawful state and the fight against corruption at all levels.
Corruption, bribery, theft and tax evasion cost some US $1.26 trillion for developing countries per year; this amount of money could be used to lift those who are living on less than $1.25 a day above $1.25 for at least six years. Crimes that threaten the foundation of peaceful societies, including homicides, trafficking and other organized crimes, as well as discriminatory laws or practices, affect all countries. Even the world’s greatest democracies face major challenges in addressing corruption, crime and human rights violations for everyone at home.
Raising awareness in our community about the shortcomings of institutions, holding elected officials into account, sharing opinion with public representatives are valuable contributions. Countries must act to significantly reduce all forms of violence and related death rates everywhere, as well as abuse, exploitation and violence against children. Ensuring responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels can increase satisfaction of the population with public services and build trust in societies.
In Italy
The ASviS 2018 Report records a fundamentally static situation for the Goal 16 in Italy compared to 2010. In fact, after an initial deterioration, from 2014 there is a significant improvement thanks to the reduction in the average duration of civil proceedings, but despite this improvement, however, the average duration for the completion of the civil proceedings of the ordinary courts remains very high (445 average days in 2017).
At the regulatory level some progress has been made with the aim of improving the efficiency of the penal system. For the fight against corruption the law on whistleblowing (Law 30 November 2017, n.179), which protects workers who report and report illegal conduct, should be noted.
To strengthen the culture of legality, ASviS proposes to develop specific tools to prevent the emergence and spread of corruption during calls for bids and tenders related to public and infrastructural works.
Find out more about SDG 16