In order to directly involve the civil society and the cultural organizations in the localization process of the Agenda 2030, in april 2019 a public call for proposals was launched by the Municipality of Forlì to submit project ideas concerning Agenda 2030 and the localization of the SDGs. Through this public call eighteen project ideas were received.
Through a codesign process, organized in May 2019, the Municipality worked with the third bodies involved on the 18 projects presented, creating links and grouping them in thematic areas, strictly connected to the Forlì’s plan for Health and Welfare 2018-20 objectives.
This work led to the definition of three structured projects aimed at actions related to Agenda 2030 goals: Voci della città (SDG 11), AbitiAMO Forlì (SDG 11) and #agenda2030@4lì (SDG 5).
Voci della città, presented by DiaLogos Soc. Coop. Sociale, Coop. Casa del Cuculo, A.P.S. Spazi Indecisi, Cooperativa di solidarietà Sociale Paolo Babini, Associazione Culturale Città di Ebla and Cooperativa Sociale CIDAS is aimed at raising awareness on the theme of inclusiveness, by adopting a non functional approach to residential areas that foresee urban exploration and observation, collection of stories and construction of unusual tales.
This project focuses on the surfacing and enhancement of the different identities of the city, investigating the territory also with urban interactive laboratories with secondary schools.
AbitiAMO Forlì is presented by Fondazione Abitare, Cad Società Cooperativa Sociale ONLUS, Associazione Culturale Sportiva Dinamica e Associazione di Volontariato Forlì Città Aperta ODV. The project supports innovative interventions and events with the participation of citizens, with reference to SDG 11.
The project will focus on raising citinzen’s awareness on the value of collaboration networks, identity and sociability. The neighborhood “Resistenza” in Forlì is one of the areas where shared activities with the inhabitants are organized and where the first digital catalog of the neighborhood will be created. Some informal dinners were organized in resident’s houses, enabling the development of belonging and a sense of community.
#agenda2030@4lì submitted by the Association Pensiero e Azione, the Association Centro di Solidarietà, the Social Cooperative DOMUS COOP and the Association Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII includes laboratory activities for local schools with a specific focus on SGDs 5 with the aim to sensitize kids on the topics of Agenda 2030 and making them agents of change.
Kids worked on the realization of different theatre laboratories and the production of performances. Other activities included laboratories about the Agenda 2030 and an after-school activity with the objective to create a real awareness raising communication campaign on the territory, temporarily suspended due to the diffusion of Covid19.