Miroslava Photovoltaic Park represent a good practice example of investment for the future of the local community. Financed by European Union, this 5 hectares solar farm provides electricity for the Miroslava commune - Iasi City, reducing administration costs and harmful emissions.
The photovoltaic power plant is located in the commune of Miroslava (Ciurbeşti) on a 5 hectares plot and has a capacity of 1MWp.
The overall value of the investment reaches almost 6 million euro. What is specific to this solar farm is the efficiency of the installation: electrical trackers orient the panels to obtain maximum exposure to sunlight.
The photovoltaic plant consists of the following components:
- Mono-crystalline photo-voltaic panels - 4,200 units producing electricity with a unitary installed power of 240 Wp/each unit, including their interconnection equipment, called concentrating boxes;
- Support elements for photo-voltaic panels, consisting of 97 independent trackers with the possibility of tracking the sun on 2 axes, possibility of inclination 120 degrees - for increased efficiency;
- Three phase inverters - 9 units with a power of 12 kw each;
- Low-voltage power lines in the cable, which converts the DC electricity produced into AC electricity through inverters;
- Technical control room;
- A 45 kw diesel power group;
- 20 kV underground electric lines for connection of the power plant to national power grid.
The equipment, facilities and materials proposed for the investment are state-of-the-art and certified in accordance with the international standards in force.
The photovoltaic park ensures the energy to power public lightning for all the commune and the local public institutions.