The project originates from the need to focus on the effects of the rising sea level in the coastal stretch where Misano Adriatico is located.
The proponent will try to understand what actions can be taken at local level through a participatory path involving the various stakeholders of the territory, tour operators, citizens, migrants.
Three different set of actions are foreseen
- A public seminar to launch the project, a forum, social networking (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) within the Municipality's website to stimulate a discussion between citizens and the economic and social stakeholders (starting from tourism professionals) on the Agenda 2030 issues on a local level with a particular focus on climate change and its impact on coastal economic and social systems;
- A video containing 20 interviews with lifeguards, hoteliers, citizens, groups of tourists and immigrants to document the level of understanding of the causes and effects of the climate change; the proponent wants also to look for proposals to contribute to their mitigation and adaptation. The video will be posted on YouTube and will be produced to have as much appeal as possible.
- A final public event “Misano 2030” where all the project outputs will be presented: the results of the online forum, the documentary with interviews and a local action plan.
A particular attention to the gender approach will be paid during the implementation of the project aimed at ensuring an adequate presence of women in working groups and among interviewees. Another aim of the project is to guarantee a gender perspective in the resulting public policies.
The expected impact from the interaction between the different activities is to realize the key principle of sustainable development: "think globally, act locally" by triggering coherent choices and behaviours at all levels and in all spheres, both public and private, by individuals and their social organisations.