Antibarbarie - Alexander Langer e la Laudato Sì

Comune di Modena

L'Antibarbarie are a series of public talks and seminars offered to teachers, high school and university students, and Civil Society Organizations.

The initiative is organized together with several local partners and each seminar is hold by internationally renowed lecturers and experts. It aims at developing new approaches and skills in order to solve conflicts through non-violent actions

Alexander Langer e la Laudato Sì: la necessità di una conversione ecologica per salvare il pianeta

Mao Valpiana (Director of “Azione nonviolenta”) talks with Giannozzo Pucci (Author of “La rivoluzione integrale. Idee e proposte ispirate all’ecologia integrale dell’enciclica ‘Laudato si’ “) and Marzio Marzorati (Co-author of "Alexander Langer, una buona politica per riparare il mondo") about the necessity of an “ecological conversion” to save our planet.

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