#agenda2030@4lì - submitted by the Association Pensiero e Azione, the Association Centro di Solidarietà, the Social Cooperative DOMUS COOP and the Association Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII - includes workshop activities for local schools with a specific focus on SGDs 5 with the aim to help kids become aware of the topics of Agenda 2030 and abilitate them agents of change. Kids were involved in theatre workshops and in the production of performances. Other activities included workshops about the Agenda 2030 for secondary school students. The partners also created an online toolkit for teachers and students and a communication campaign aimed at the local audience, which involved social media as well as local websites, radios and TV channels.
The goal of the project is to raise awareness on the Agenda 2030 among children and to mobilise boys and girls in order to make them agents of change in the local community.
In particular, the project produced workshops in the schools of the Municipality of Forlì with the aim to raise awareness and mobilise human resources through:
- Theater workshops and the organization of thematic performances, using theatre as an educational tool to rediscover themselves and the others;
- Workshop activities for secondary schools aimed at deepening the understanding of the themes of the Agenda 2030;
- The creation of a didactic toolkit on the Agenda 2030, downloadable for free by teachers and citizens. The tool includes contents, data, themes, pilot lectures, video interviews and the best experiences on each theme, identified at regional, European and world level;
- Development of a communication and awareness raising campaign on the territory through interviews, video, radio spots, promotions on social networks and local websites.
Website: https://pensieroeazione.eu/campagne-e-progetti/#agenda-2030
Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCkBtoApIi5pr8lgNUKl87g