Shaping Fair Cities fits perfectly into the 2030 Agenda, especially with certain activities regarding Sustainable Development Goals and Goal 5, i.e. gender equality. In Wielkopolska Region, as well as in the capital of Wielkopolska, Region, Poznan, projects and activities are implemented that are crucial to build equal opportunities for women and men, as well as excluding discrimination against women. One of the activities is raising awareness about the role of women in building society and the role of women in history. It is quite in common to forget about the women activity. The example, acknowlegded by European Commission and The Council of European Municipalities and Regions in terms of URBACT projekt was the project Gender Equal Cities. It was the innitative of the Poznań City Council, which decided to name new streets in Poznań from historical women characters in 2018, for 100th anniversary for giving women rights. As a result, 26 roundabouts, streets, squares and squares in Poznań were named after the names of famous women.
Marta Mazurek, Ph. D. graduated from English studies and went on to receive her PhD in American literature studies. She is a researcher and a university lecturer at the Institute of Linguistics at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and a member of the Program Board of the Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Gender and Identity Studies at AMU, Poznań. She is also a member of the Congress of Women.
She inspired the City of Poznań to approve and implement the Diversity Charter. She co-inspired Networking for Equality, a program intended for the local governments aimed at promoting equality, establishing a code of practice on anti-discriminatory action, taking up common initiatives and sharing know-how with other Polish cities.
She also induced the City Council to work out a position on street naming practices in honour of historic women as part of the celebration of the 2018 Centenary of Women’s Rights. Moreover, she persuaded the Council to provide public funding to classes countering discrimination and marginalisation in Poznań schools.