Localization of the 2030 Agenda in Iași

Județul Iași

The Shaping Fair Cities project is an opportunity to rethink our way of life, the individual and the collective, establishing a balance between all three essential dimensions of sustainable development: welfare for all, economic growth and environmental protection. I believe that no one should be left behind! And we must act together in such a manner we do not compromise the chance of future generations to meet their needs.

Looking from a local perspective, the most serious problem related to the SDG 5 – Gender Equality is the violence against women and girls, including trafficking and sexual exploitation. Currently, we are collecting detailed data only regarding the cases of domestic violence. There are no statistics about other types of violence against women. The National Agency for Equal Opportunities for Women and Men is carrying out projects to raise public awareness of the consequences of domestic violence. The agency is working on a national network of protected housing for women victims of domestic violence. For the time being, in Iasi County, there is no integrated system of data management regarding women in situations of difficulty: women that are victims of domestic violence, abused women, trafficked women, physically and/or emotionally harassed women. In terms of domestic violence, there are only two public services provided by the public institutions in social field. The awareness campaigns to prevent all types of violence and abuse against women and girls must be continued. We need to create a county observatory for reporting, evaluation, monitoring and intervention in cases of violence or abuse against women and girls. Poverty has no gender, but a particular attention should be paid to elderly women in rural areas and poor communities. And, of course, there is must to do for improving the representation of women in the national and local political bodies.

Although Romania is still far beyond regarding urbanization compared to other EU member states, the important cities, county capitals (Bucharest, Iasi, Cluj-Napoca, Timisoara, Constanta, Brasov, and Craiova) are over-crowded with population and housing. The expansion of the Iasi City to nearby communes together with the growth of the entire Iasi Metropolitan Area is a consequence of the city’s role as the most important economic center in Nord-East region, polarizing businesses, attracting workforce by migration from other counties and the Republic of Moldova. Young people come to Iasi attracted by the academic and job opportunities, especially in the IT&C sector and other emerging industries. The modernization of the Iasi Airport with a new terminal in 2012, the Palas Complex and other important investment projects have attracted more and more companies in the Iasi Metropolitan Area. The increase of population is accompanied by the development of real estate sector, which amplify the existing problems of urban and metropolitan transport. The quality of air is another severe problem in the Iasi City which is considered one of the most polluted areas in Romania. We have to promote a culture of innovation not only in the business sector, but in the public institutions based on an effective dialogue and partnership between two sectors and the most relevant stakeholders. The solutions to the urban problems must be provided from a multidisciplinary approach. In terms of practical solutions for the sustainable urban development, we propose the following:

  • Rehabilitation of the housing blocks
  • Regeneration of historical centers
  • Rehabilitation of old industrial platforms
  • Improving waste selective collection
  • Development of vocation education
  • Digitalization of local public administration
  • Investments in smart city projects oriented to the citizen needs.

We are now in December, and we can notice the fact that the temperature is quite hot outside for this period of year compared with previous years. Regarding the “climate action” in Iasi County, in 2018, the average temperature increased with almost 2 degree compared to the average temperature of the period 1901-2000. The climate change has direct consequences on the environment as well as on the comfort of the people, especially the workers operating in uncovered spaces exposed to polluted air and dangerous solar radiation. The climate change combined with the pollution, urban agglomeration, and underdeveloped transport infrastructure generates serious consequences on human life and on the entire ecosystem, affecting biodiversity balance. I have to mention the fact that Iasi City is placed on the most dangerous seismic line in Romania. From time to time, our county was suffering from earthquakes, devastating floods and periods of drought. We must to strength the resilience and to develop adaptive capacity to climate-related hazard and natural disaster at la local, regional, and national level. The national strategies, policies and planning must include measures oriented to the local particularities. Early warning and awareness campaigns on climate change must be extended.

Concerning the SDG 16 – Peace, justice and strong institution, the reform of public administration is mandatory, based on reduction of corruption and bribery in all forms, developing accountable and transparent institutions through digitalization, ensure inclusive and participatory decision-making at all levels. In Iasi City there is a penitentiary which is overcrowded; sanitary and healthcare conditions are sometimes problematic. Another huge problem is the increasing of the road accidents with victims. This problem can be solved through a real partnership between central authorities – central government – and county and local authorities. We need a highway to link the Eastern regions of Romania from Western regions and entire Europe. The citizens must be involved in public-policymaking processes at all levels: national, county and local level. We must keep ears open and listen to the voice of the people interested in public affairs and sustainable development.

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