"Co-development: migration and international cooperation" Multilateral consultation 25th of January at 9.30 in Viale Aldo Moro 30 in Bologna (Aula Magna) At the center of this meeting there is the analysis of the international migration flows' trend that has involved Italy and Europe in recent years, its perception by citizens, the public debate on security and immigration and the work done by local authorities, the Region, NGOs and civil society in the field of international cooperation, in the world and in Emilia Romagna. It is precisely in this perspective and through this kind of dialogue between different actors that the project Shaping fair cities intends to mobilize local authorities in the implementation of the SDGs that address migration challenges and related local policies. This conference is the first of the multilateral consultations promoted by the Shaping fair cities project, to facilitate and strengthen strategic coordination of all partners active in the different sectors. This first consultation includes representatives of regional government, civil society groups and other stakeholders that are active in the field of international cooperation. In the first part of the morning the speakers are: Professor Asher Colombo, Professor of Sociology at the University of Bologna, with a focus on the international dimension of migration as a global, circular and multidimensional phenomenon. In this report the migration theme will be discussed in connection with economic and labor market's changes: in particular the focus of the analysis will be on demographic dynamics, the gap between the North and the South, migration policies and the role of public opinion in a medium-term perspective. Professor Marco Valbruzzi, who has recently analyzed for Cattaneo Institute the data provided by the Eurobarometer on the presence of immigrants as it is estimated by the citizens in each EU Member States. In the second part of the morning a round table is scheduled - with the presence of Giuseppe Paruolo, regional councilor and president of the V committee (Culture, school, training, work, sport and legality), Barbara Lori, regional councilor, Sabina Breviglieri, Coonger - Nexus, Paolo Chesani, Coonger - Cefa, Serena Foracchia, councilor in the Municipality of Reggio Emilia, Stefano Bianchini, professor of the University of Bologna, Papa Modou Seck, president of Anolf Rimini, Federico Amico, spokesperson for the Emilia-Romagna Third Sector Forum - where the cooperation actors who are active in the regional territory will exchange their vision and experience.